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I am a mommy to three very smart, beautiful, happy, healthy kids and have been happily married for almost 16 wonderful years. I have been able to be a stay at home momma with my kids, most of that time I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.


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Monday, April 29, 2013
We bought a farm that is about 300 ft off the road and I LOVE it here!!!!  We now have 1 billy goat, 4 nannie goats and 8 adorable goat kids, 2 Peking ducks (which my husband hates lol), about 20 baby chicks, 2 dogs and a cat. 

The weather is starting to finally warm up and I can get out and start gardening and go for walks in the woods.  I have some awesome neighbors and enjoy talking with them about getting back to living off the land and things to do to save money and gardening. We went out walking in nature this weekend and it is so nice to have friends on the same page and we can learn a lot from each other.

I want to start sharing some of the things I learned recently
1. ducks and meat chickens stink and  produce a LOT of manure lol

I took the kids redneck fishing tonight to help restock our pond, meaning....sticks with fishing line, bobbers, and a fishing hook with a real worm on it. I know some basics of fishing and I mean basic. My 5 year old daughter and my 10 year old son didn't listen to me when I told them they needed to move away from each other and ended up with their fishing lines, hooks and bobbers in a giant knot so needless to say they were done because we didn't have anything extra with us. Some how I ended up with my own fishing hook in my pants leg and my youngest Lacey knocked over the worms while I was trying to get the hook out. I did manage to catch 2 blue gill once I was able to get the hook out.
My 16 year old brother was getting aggravated because he had a regular fishing pole and wasn't catching anything and we were using sticks and catching fish. We soon realized it was because he was using a hook with a fake worm. He converted to real worms and caught the first large-mouth bass and a blue gill.

  My oldest daughter Sheridan was so thrilled with herself that she was able to use a stick to catch fish and that she didn't have to have a high tech new fangled fishin pole to do it lol. She caught 5 fish tonight in about an hour. She was the winner!!! We caught 9 fish total (7 blue gill and 2 large-mouth bass and lost one blue gill adding water to our bucket of fish. So we ended up with 8. By the time we got home we had 2 more fish that were dying (trying not to feel of life right, feeding something else a good dinner). Well upon talking to my husband, even though we were only fishing for about an hour you should change the water every few minutes or keep them in a fish basket in the water until its time to leave so they don't run out of oxygen...lesson learned. But it didn't help that 1/2 their water flopped out on their 3 mile ride home to their new pond. All in all we have a very fun and enjoyable fishing experience.
The lesson for tonight was for my kids to realize that they don't have to have all new things from the store to survive. Stores weren't always around and in their life if they needed to they could very cheaply feed themselves. They also learned to put a worm on the hook and take off a fish when they catch it. I learned a few good lessons myself tonight.
1. Never get a fishing  hook to close to sweat pants without a knife or a lighter
2. Do not let a 5 year old and a 10 year old fish together
3. Keep and eye on your worms
4. How to take my fish of the hook
5. Use a fish basket in the water
6. Always have extra fishing line, hooks and bobbers

I love my country life!!!

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Chinese Proverb