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About Me

- MommyMurrell
- I am a mommy to three very smart, beautiful, happy, healthy kids and have been happily married for almost 16 wonderful years. I have been able to be a stay at home momma with my kids, most of that time I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wholesale Vitamin Supplements Product Quality Natures Sunshine Products It occured to me after talking to some friends the other day that most people don't understand the importance of taking suppliments or if they do why they should NOT buy them from Walmart or the grocery store. Retail stores don't care what they sell you...They can package low quality and fillers and sell it to you cheap as possbile and you buy it because you don't know any better. Ever wonder you never felt any better? As far as food...You can NOT get all the vitamins and nutrients out of food anymore. The ground is to poor and to toxic to grow healthy food anymore. We wonder why we all know people that are sick. How many do you know? Take a few minutes and see why Nature's Sunshine cares more about you than most people care about themselves. Make sure to take a virtual tour of the manufacturing plant while your here :)
Labels:Nature's Sunshine,Supplements,Toxins | 0
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I wanted to share Nature's Sunshine with everyone because it has helped us so much but, right now I wanna talk about the Children's Vitamins. I was very concerned about my kids getting the nutrients they need. I don't know about you but I have 3 kids; ages 3, 8 & 9 and they are very picky eaters. With the Nature's Sunshine Heroes Vitamins my kids beg everyday to have their vitamins, I know that sounds crazy but they ask every morning and they fight over who gets them first. My 3 year old cries because she wants more after she already ate hers. She says "Please Momma I want more!!" with her sad little face looking at me. I have to explain to her that she already had hers for today.
Before I knew better I bought my kids vitamins at Walmart and they NEVER wanted to take them and I later found out that the vitamins you get at the store are filled with fillers and not much vitamins
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